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Q: What is the Greek word for betrayal?
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What are the requirements for a Greek tragedy?

love, hate, war and betrayal

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What is the Gaelic word for betrayal?

In Irish Gaelic:feall (deceit, treachery, let-down)brath (betrayal, spying)meabhlú (deception, betrayal; seduction)brathadóireacht (act of betraying, betrayal)In Scottish Gaelic:brathadh (betrayal, treason)feall (deceit, betrayal)

What is a sentence for the word betrayal?

No definitive reason was ever established for the betrayal by Benedict Arnold. The professor saw his assistant's departure as an act of betrayal.

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What is the Japanese word for 'betrayal'?

裏切り (uragiri)

What the opposite of the word loyalty?

Rebel, disobey, or disloyal or betrayal.

Why was the wooden horse called the gift of betrayal?

It's a reference to the Trojan Horse of ancient Greek mythology.

What is the suffix or prefix of the word betrayal?

The word "betrayal" consists of the root word "betray" and the suffix "-al." The suffix "-al" is commonly used to form nouns from verbs, indicating an action or result. In this case, the suffix "-al" transforms the verb "betray" into the noun "betrayal," which refers to the act of being disloyal or treacherous.

What does mean word of deceit and betrayal?

it means to go against someone