Theese red spots on your upper arm are most likely to be Keratosis.
Keratosis Pilaris is a very common and completely harmless skin condition. keratosis pilaris may affect as many as one person in three.
Keratosis pilaris appears when extra keratin accumulates in the hair follicles. This is usually in childhood, and most obvious during adolescence, often it clears in adulthood.
Keratosis pilaris is harmless, and is not infectious.
Some people find their keratosis pilaris ugly. The skin feels rough or spiky as though it has permanent goosebumps. Occasionally keratosis pilaris is itchy.
There is no treatment for keratosis,but general measures to reduce skin dryness may help:
Hi there! I have the same thing going on as well. i went to the doctor and she told me that it happens because some people's skin in that area is too thick for the tiny arm hairs to penetrate it, and so you end up with tiny ingrown hairs (the small red / white bumps). They are harmless, but annoying. Now, I've tried exfoliation, moisturiting, etc. to get rid of these things, and nothing has worked. Recently, for a problem unrelated to this one (mild acne on my back) I had been recommended by a naturopath to stop eating dairy products - mainly milk. Wow! I have to say, it not only cleared up my back, but it has cleared up these tiny bumps on my arms too! No redness, and the skin is smooth! So, try a couple of weeks without milk or other dairy products. It is surprising the hidden Allergies a lot of people have to dairy, and how it affects your body. -Lola
The bird with red skin on its nose is likely a rooster. Roosters have a fleshy red comb on top of their head which can sometimes extend down to their face, giving the appearance of red skin on their nose.
red on top and bottom and yellow in the middle. there is something in the middle like a sign called "national coat of arms"
I guess, you should visit dermatologists about that, but for the meanwhile, you can help yourself with your skin by using lotions or such with Phytessence Wakame, Cynergy TK and CoQ10 can help to rebuild collagen, in fact they can stimulate keep it natural. That will help your skin condition make it better.
white top with jet packs, white metal pants, space looking shoes, blue long hair, doesn't matter what skin, metal face with things poking out on the sides, and the red abs legs and arms prop.
The "icon", or Coat of Arms, is a shield thats red-checkered with symbols of the biggest Croatia provinces on top. It is also on the flag.
The skin line at the top of the hoof. The skin line at the top of the hoof. The skin line at the top of the hoof.
A centered white cross blue red squares at the top and red blue squares at the bottom. The center has a small coat of arms with bay laurel and palm fronds
Baltoy. It is brown, its hovers, it looks like the sharp part of a top on the waste down, and it has long arms. Long-ish anyway. He has red circles for eyes. red circles but brown in them.
The red pandas skin is reddish- brownish. Their body hair is darker than their head. they have peach cheecks some people call teardrops because where its located and shaped as.
The Ladybugs body has red wings with black dots, The bottom of it when it fly's looks like the red wasn't there, The Ladybugs Skin color is black.
your skin is the top layer of your body
You Can Make Its Skin Really Red.... Blue Top Whatever...