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Teratology is the study of physical deformities or anomalies. Teratology examines physical abnormalities that develop at all stages of life.

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Q: What is teratology?
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Is Teratology important?

Teratology is the study of abnormalities of physiological development. This is important for understanding congenital abnormalities, cancers, etc.

What are Children of the Moon?

In the Twilight teratology , it's what true werewolves are called.

What has the author Pamela Taylor written?

Pamela Taylor has written: 'Practical Teratology'

What is the Recommended diet or teratology of fallot?

eat low salt and low fat diet

Are Clinique products safe to use in pregnancy?

Clinique does not teratology screen-so unfortunately, like most skin care brands, their products likely contain some ingredients that have been linked to birth defects or fetal abnormalities. A teratogen is anything that has been linked to birth defects-so the only way to ensure that your skin care is safe is to choose a brand that teratology screens. Belli is the only skin care brand in the world that teratology screens.

What scientific words starts with the letter t?

toxicology, tocology, tonetics, therology, timbrology, thermodynamics, thanatology, teratology, taumatology, trophology

What has the author Wilson Crosfield Worsdell written?

Wilson Crosfield Worsdell has written: 'The principles of plant-teratology' -- subject(s): Plants, Abnormalities, Abnormalities (Plants)

Why do monsters exist?

The original meaning of a monster was an individual that had a very pronounced variation from the norm; it was a biological term. The naked heads of turkeys and vultures were once considered to be monstrosities.

What has the author Jean-Louis Fischer written?

Jean-Louis Fischer has written: 'L'art de faire de beaux enfants' -- subject(s): Human reproduction, Eugenics 'Monstres de pierre' -- subject(s): Architectural Decoration and ornament, Gargoyles, Grotesque in architecture, Stone carving, Sculpture, Monsters in art 'Monstres' -- subject(s): Abnormalities, Human, History, Human Abnormalities, Monsters, Teratology

Is it safe to color your hair in the third trimestetr?

The Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS) provides information on potential reproductive risks of various products. OTIS says that animal studies offer no indication that hair dye causes changes in human pregnancies. The studies also show that very little chemicals in the hair dye are absorbed through the scalp. There is no reason to believe that hair coloring has any effect on the unborn baby.

What are some nice words that start with t?

It depends what is meant by nice:tergiversate, tittillate, tenebrous, trivial, tyrannical, turbid, turbulent, tomentose, tarantula, tarantella, tapaculo, tinamou, toucan, turaco, tanager, thylacine, thyelotokous, thiol, teknonymy, tempestuous, timid, tepid, teratology, tern, turnip, tarpaulin, teleost, testify, temperature, temperate, temporal, timeous, texture, terrapin, turtle, titular, tyrannosaur, turquoise, titmouse, tattler, tibia

A teratogen is a chemical that causes?

Teratology is the study of abnormalities of physiological development. It is often thought of as the study of human birth defects, but it is much broader than that, taking in other non-birth developmental stages, including puberty; and other non-human life forms, including plants. A newer term developmental toxicity includes all manifestations of abnormal development, not only frank terata. These may include growth retardation or delayed mental development without any structural malformations