AnswerNormally 98.6 degrees F. Some people have a slightly lower or higher core temperature, and it even varies throughout the day. But if you are over 100 degrees, you are certainly ill.
Yes . Because of decrease in metabolic activities with age .
Yes . Because of decrease in metabolic activities with age .
No; a man can't get HIV from a healthy woman (by healthy I assume you mean HIV free). A woman (or man) can look healthy, but be infected with the virus.
36.7 or 98
because i wants to be a healthy man.
no you're gonna die.
Average temperature should be around 102 degrees Celsius.
The ideal room temperature for keeping puppies comfortable and healthy is around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range helps regulate their body temperature and keeps them from getting too hot or too cold.
Healthy sperm production should have a scrotal temperature that is slightly lower than the body's core temperature, around 2-4 degrees Celsius lower. Maintaining this lower temperature is important for optimal sperm production and quality.