A work to be complete in a specific time, in a new way.
: sandeep chourasia
to examine relationship between athelets Goal Perspectives & the perceived purpose of sports among male & female athelets
An organization's culture is an important guiding force in an organization. It grows and remains stable over relatively long periods. The authors identified four basic organizational cultures: Type 1: Openness to Change/InnovationHumanistic orientation, affiliation, achievement, self-actualization, task support, task innovation, and hands-on management (i.e., managers who not only plan but also participate). Type 2: Task-Oriented Being the best, innovation, attention to detail, quality orientation, profit orientation, and shared philosophy. Type 3:Bureaucratic Approval, conventionality, dependence, avoidance, and lack of personal freedom. Type 4:Competition/Confrontation Oppositional orientation, power, competition, and perfectionism
marketing orientation
polycnetric orientation
How can you know what orientation you are?
what is a conceptual orientation
Marketing orientation refers to the presentation of products. Sales orientation refers to the sale of products and its target customers.
The answer is in the question! The orientation is the same as the preimage! Same = Not different.
not the orientation but the behavior
how does the orientation towards collectivity?
here is no damage about homosexuality. It is a natural sexual orientation like any other orientation.There is no damage about homosexuality. It is a natural sexual orientation like any other orientation.
They change the orientation.