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Q: What is swish a mouth?
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Fix your swollen gums?

swish warm salt water in your mouth and brush your gums. :]

What are some uses of salt water?

well i dont know about boiling but WARM salt water helps if you swish it around in your mouth if you have cuts in your mouth or if you just had a surgry in your mouth.

Will I pass a swab test if there was blood on it?

No but if you swish some visine around in your mouth right before, it will dilute the sample.

Can you swallow magic mouth wash no matter how it is made?

Yes, you can swallow magic mouth wash. I just got a bottle from the Dr and the label says to swish then swallow.

How do you heal a scraped tongue?

Brush your teeth/tongue, or maybe some ice.

What if you have a little ball n back of your top front teeth?

That is just simply swelling, swish your mouth with salt water.

How do you pass a silvia test for marijuana?

wash mouth with peroxide,then swish alot of olive oli right befor the test

How many calories does Listerine have?

Well, I really don't know about that, but you're not supposed to drink it. You have to swish it around your mouth, then spit it out.

What is the plural of swish?

The plural of swish is swishes.

According to a well-known song what things on the bus go swish swish swish?


What treats an open mouth wound?

An open mouth wound is usually called a canker sore. They can be very painful. They can be treated by mixing together a teaspoon of salt and a few ounces of warm water. Then swish the solution around in the mouth for a few seconds and spit it out.

When was The Swish of the Curtain created?

The Swish of the Curtain was created in 1941.