Streptococcus is a bacteria that is commonly found in the skin and in the throat. It can cause strep throat.
the flagella i think
i do not know any thing about this
It is estimated that there are over 50,000 cases of strepococcus pneumoniae each year.
Streptococcus and Staphylococcus are both types of bacteria. Streptococcus is responsible for several conditions, the most common of which is probably Strep throat. Staphylococcus is also responsible for several conditions, the most common of which is probably the Staph Infection.
Strep viridans is a germ found in the normal, healthy mouth. It will not blind you. Wash your hands well, and do not put your fingers in your mouth and then your eyes.
Many cultured and sour products contain the friendly bacteria that will prevent yeast infections. Yogurt can be a good source, but you need to shop carefully. Many mass-produced yogurt products just don't have enough of the bacteria you need. Look for one of more of these Latin names: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Strepococcus thermophilus. Make sure the label lists yogurt cultures as being live, living or active. Buy unsweetened yogurt only since sugar encourages the growth of Candida albicans, which is yeast. Drink 8 glasses of pure water a day to help flush yeast toxins out. Avoid sugar and yeast, food with mold (such as cheese, nuts and nut butters). Avoid any foods loaded with sugar. Reduce the use of fruits and fruit juices. Consume foods such as garlic, onions, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, and others that are known to support detoxification. Of course, you need to see a doctor and get his/her advice, but you can also take oregano oil 300-500 mg capsule or liquid 3 times daily with meals; probiotic 30 mins after meal; garlic 500-1000 mg 2 times daily; and grapefruit seed extract 200 mg 2-3 times daily. You should definitely talk to your doctor about this before you do anything. Many cultured and sour products contain the friendly bacteria that will prevent yeast infections. Yogurt can be a good source, but you need to shop carefully. Many mass-produced yogurt products just don't have enough of the bacteria you need. Look for one of more of these Latin names: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Strepococcus thermophilus. Make sure the label lists yogurt cultures as being live, living or active. Buy unsweetened yogurt only since sugar encourages the growth of Candida albicans, which is yeast. Drink 8 glasses of pure water a day to help flush yeast toxins out. Avoid sugar and yeast, food with mold (such as cheese, nuts and nut butters). Avoid any foods loaded with sugar. Reduce the use of fruits and fruit juices. Consume foods such as garlic, onions, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, and others that are known to support detoxification. Of course, you need to see a doctor and get his/her advice, but you can also take oregano oil 300-500 mg capsule or liquid 3 times daily with meals; probiotic 30 mins after meal; garlic 500-1000 mg 2 times daily; and grapefruit seed extract 200 mg 2-3 times daily. You should definitely talk to your doctor about this before you do anything.
Rheumatic heart disease is another name for rheumatic fever, a disease which largely afflicts children between the ages of 6-15. The causative agent is due to a bacterial infection, Strepococcus pyogenes. Though common worldwide, this condition is fairly rare in developed countries, such as the U.S and the U.K., due to the advent and widespread use of antibiotics after the 1960s. However, it is a serious condition that can lead to serious and potentially debilitating heart disease later in life.Rheumatic heart disease is characterized by a set of signs and symptoms. Not all of the signs and symptoms have to be present in order to have rheumatic heart disease. The major criteria for rheumatic heart disease includes:Polyarthritis - inflammation and pain in the joints, usually ascending, starting from the lower jointsCarditis - inflammation of the heart, causing acute heart failure, resulting in pain, shortness of breath and abnormal heart sounds.Subcutaneous nodules - firm, nontender nodules over the tendons of the body.Erythema marginatum - a circular rash, never on the face, that spreads in a snake-like fashion, clears in the middle and worsens with heat.Sydenham's chorea - a series of rapid movements and jerks in the arms and face without voluntary control.Though not all of the symptoms have to be present to have this condition, having two of these symptoms is diagnostic of this disease. In addition, only having one of these symptoms as well as several minor other symptoms can be diagnostic of rheumatic heart disease. Its name, rheumatic heart disease, comes from the fact that many of its symptoms are similar to rheumatic disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis and other inflammatory joint conditions.In terms of the heart, rheumatic heart disease can cause acute signs of congestive heart failure, which is typically uncommon in children. Medically, it is treated similarly to heart failure in adults, which means diuretics and digoxin. However, corticosteroids, which are not used in typical heart failure, are of great benefit because it tunes downs the inflammation response which causes a lot of the symptoms. Though easily treated with antibiotics, treatment should attempt to prevent the formation of thickened leaflets in the heart valve and inflammatory changes that causes dysfunction of the heart valves. Such changes predispose people towards developing congestive heart failure in the future, as well as a potential second attack. In such affected people, low-dose antibiotics like penicillin are required for three to five years after the first attack to prevent future attacks.
After the microbes were detected in water samples, the state conducted two weeks of intensive monitoring of shellfish meats but found no toxins, Pingree said. We found toxins in barely detectable levels" in water samples, he said.