without ssa you cannot have medicare benefits
Because the SSA is very stringent about allowing Social Security Disability benefits, you are most likely to not qualify for unemployment benefits because you have to be able to work, which the SSA had to admit you couldn't.
Ah, receiving a deposit from SSA Treas 310 means that the Social Security Administration has made a payment to you. It could be for retirement benefits, disability benefits, or other types of support. It's a wonderful reminder that you are cared for and supported by your community.
Persons under 65 become Medicare eligible after receiving Social Security benefits for 24 months. To receive SSA benefits, a person under age 65 must be "permanently and totally disabled" as defined by SSA.
NO. SSA (SSB) social security benefits would be UNEARNED income and would NOT be qualifying earned income on your income tax return for any of the credits.
I see no reason why not but if you move out of the country, you may lose your benefits. Contact SSA.
Ssa 303 is your disability monthly ssa 310 is Ssdi
Even though the penalties that are noted in SSA regulations are "scary" and they do include the possibility of incarceration in a federal facility, it seldom happens in cases of misunderstanding. The problem is how exactly was the person entitled or receiving the supplemental benefits? Were the benefits belong to the deceased or the deceased's dependant children? Was the SSA notified of the death of the beneficiary? All these factors and possibly others directly affect what if any action the SSA will take in regards to the issue.
Old age survivors and disability insurance (FICA) is what pays the social security benefits and a part of the medicare insurance premium and other benefits that the SSA handles.
If you had been married to your husband more than 20 years, you should still be able to receive SSI benefits from your exhusband. Check with www.socialsecurity.gov.
To get the correct answer and information that you want and need you should contact your local SSA office and ask them this question. You can find some information by going to the SSA gov website SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ON LINE and then you can choose SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) and you might be able to find some information about this matter.
If your gross income from all sources is over $750, yes.