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Q: What is something you do to stay healthy physically how does this behavior help maintain or improve you physical health?
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A concrete noun is something physical, something that can be seen, or touched, or heard, or smelled, or tasted. An abstract noun is a concept, an idea, a feeling, an emotion, or a behavior, something that cannot be physically sensed.

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A physical hazard is something inside your food that will make you sick if you ingest it. It is physically hazardous to your overall health.

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physical violence is bashing, stabbing shooting or anything else used to physically damage something or someone

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Intellectuals are not inherently physically weak. Physical strength is determined by genetics, lifestyle, and personal choices. Some intellectuals may prioritize mental stimulation over physical exercise, but there are many intellectuals who engage in regular physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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physical change ex:Ripping, cutting, folding. physically changing the appearance of something. Burning can be either a physical or chemical change.

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Transparency is a type of physical property. Something transparent can only be seen as physically transparent instead of chemically transparent.

What is a example of something you can do to maintain your physical health?

Getting 6-8 hours of sleep may help your physical health

What is physical ability?

the ability to PHYSICALLY do something. For example, a old man, say 84 would probably not have the PHYSICAL ability to run for 10 miles at a sprinting pace, this is because he is not physically able to do so :) hope this helps

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Transparency is a type of physical property. Something transparent can only be seen as physically transparent instead of chemically transparent.

Is putting make-up on a physical change?

While putting on make up appears to make a physical change, it does not constitute one. A physical change actually involves something changing physically.

What are the causes of physical abuses?

One of the causes of physical abuse is that the abuser was also physically abused at some point in their childhood. Stress, alcohol abuse, jealousy, low self-esteem, and controlling behavior are all causes of physical abuse also.

In order to be physically assaulted in your home What Physical activity has occurred?

Physical assault in the terms of the law includes being pushed or touched aggressively. It is also assault if something is thrown at you.