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MOST OF IT! and the thing is we just don't truly know yet. I work with plant's and the artificial lighting has made me ill. microwaves aren't understood fully nor computing/ wireless equipment.

testicular cancer is now being caused by lap-top's on your LAP! life expectancy is half of where it should be. It's no fluke Buddhists of yester-year lived into their hundreds! But I think Its the kill us slowly via heavy radiation.

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define 'harmful' study the technology experiment and draw conclusions publicize it

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they can be very harmful , some people use science for explosion of atomic bomb which causes a great number of casualty!

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technology helps us find information we can't find anywhere else. technology is harmful because our environment is being harmed by the oil being lost and humans using too many things we don't need.

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Some technologies, such as changing sewage in to useable gas, produces CO2 as part of the process.

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well, it depends if they make environmentally safe technology

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The harmful effects of materials that are invented by technology are materials that are not biodegradable. This is because the materials are synthetic materials and cause destruction to the environment.