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Because somebody said something that made you snarf while you were drinking your Grape Juice.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Sounds like a blood blister to me.

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Q: What is small round purple spot under skin?
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What is a small purple dot under the skin?

Things that cam cause small purple dot under the skin are bleeding under the skin, a small bruise, and the condition called purpura. The causes of purpura are blood clotting disorders, scurvy, and amyloidosis.

Can a cat be purple?

No, cats cannot naturally be purple. The fur color of cats is determined by their genetics, and purple is not a naturally occurring color in cat fur.

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What is a red round elevated area on the skin with a white center?

wheal (weel) - small, round swollen area on the skin; typically seen in allergic skin reactions.

Why do veins hurt and turn purple under your skin?

Blood is red. If you look at blood through the layers of the skin, it looks dark red or even slightly purple.

What are small round brown circle on bikini line from?

possibly a skin tag

What color are wolves under their fur?

They are a sort of pinkish-purple very thin layer of skin.

Can giraffes have purple skin?

No, unless somehow it mutates to get purple skin.

How does bruising work and what causes it to occur on the skin?

Bruising occurs when small blood vessels under the skin break and leak blood, leading to discoloration. This can happen due to injury, trauma, or certain medical conditions that make blood vessels fragile. The leaked blood pools under the skin, causing the characteristic blue or purple color of a bruise.

What happens when somebody pinched you and it leaves purple marks?

When someone pinches you hard enough to leave purple marks, it means the capillaries under your skin have ruptured, causing bleeding and bruising. The purple marks are actually blood pooling under the skin, known as a bruise. It will typically heal on its own over time as your body reabsorbs the blood.

Can blood pressure medication cause red or purple splotches under the skin?

Don't know, but it CAN cause red skin all over the body.

There is a small firm lump under my skin at the base of my penis?

A small firm lump under your skin at the base of your penis could be a cyst, but this should be confirmed with a doctor.