Showing Off in High School? Hmm..! Well for guys its when a girl smiles at you and laughs when you look at them. They also go through alot of trouble to make sure they look good for you also. Well for girls its when a guy skateboards or other things around you. If a guy likes you he will definitely show it.
a list showing your grades, gpa, and the classes you took in high school.
On October 24th
October 24, 2008
relationships in high school, can take teenagers mind off their school work.
i say a class showing and telling about body parts
No. There has to be a transcript showing course work and grade to go with it.
The program High School Girls is from Kuwait. It was banned in 2011 because it was considered offensive for showing girls wearing makeup and trousers.
How about singing, showing off art work or even acting out a skit you made or something. ;^P
is it showing off?
nope! its off all week
Doing the best that you can!