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A safety program may vary depending on where you would use it but the aim of it is always the same. That is to ensure that health and safety is prioritized. It is different in places such as:

construction/mining site - safety program for health and safety

restaurants/food establishment - safety program for food safety

highway/road - safety programs to avoid vehicular accidents

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Q: What is safety program?
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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Employees can support the Safety Program Management Function of the Army Safety Program by reviewing safety posters and other campaign materials.

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Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-10 Army Safety Program Dated 23 May 2008 The AR (Army Regulation) that covers safety is AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program (29 February 2000)

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