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real love with wife is unconditional real love with wife is unconditional

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Q: What is real love with wife?
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How can you make your wife love you?

you could make your wife love you by always telling her the truth. never lie. you could also be amorous, patience & show her all your love, and most important show her that your love is real.!

Is Freddy Krueger capable of real love?

No, because he is sociopathic he is incapable of love. He tried to find real love when he married his wife but even that couldn't stop him from murdering children. Freddy Krueger was a monster in life and death and incapable of real love.

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Love Affair, the 1994 remake of the classic An Affair to Remember, starred Warren Beatty and his real-life wife Annette Benning.

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He was in love with Jim and his wife wanted nothing to with it! Hey, what he'll do I know. I'm in love with tombawa toonithchawackoff.

When was I Love My Wife created?

I Love My Wife was created in 1977.

What is wife?

Wife is love but not life.

Who is Paul Michael Levesque real wife?

Stephanie McMahon is his real wife.

Is Santa Claus and his wife real?

Yes,Santa Claus and his wife is real.

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I did not see any real love between Mary Ellen and Curt, He was strange and never really treated Mary Ellen like a real wife

Does your wife really love you if she tells you to find a girlfriend?

There could be some love there, maybe just not enough. But the relationship clearly does not have enough value to her as it should for some reason, which is a real problem.

What is 'I love my wife' when translated from English to Italian?

I love my wife is "amo mia moglie"(io (implied subject)) Amo (I love) mia(my) moglie (wife)