

What is pulse txr?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Maybe you mean pulse oximetry. It is the measurement of oxygen in your blood. It is measured when they put that clip on the tip of your finger.

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Q: What is pulse txr?
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Name of the thumb pulse?

The neck pulse is the corotid pulse; the wrist pulse is the radial pulse; the arm pulse is the brachial pulse. it seems that the pulses are named according to the artery palpated; therefore, your thumb pulse must be your princeps pollicis pulse. this is an educated guess.

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A hamster pulse is the pulse of a hamster.

What are the types of pulse modulation?

Pulse width mod, pulse amplitude mod, pulse position mod, pulse code mod.

What is apical pulse?

apical pulse is actually the heartbeat

What are the locations of pulses?

the following Pulse location are? 1. Apical pulse 2. Radial pulse 3. Brachial pulse 4. Apical-radial pulse

Where in groin is a pulse found?

it is called the femoral pulse.

Where to evaluate Pulse?

Measure the pulse in the wrist area, radial pulse.

Pictures where pulse located?

The pulse can be located in various places on the body, including the wrist (radial pulse), neck (carotid pulse), inner elbow (brachial pulse), groin (femoral pulse), behind the knee (popliteal pulse), on top of the foot (dorsalis pedis pulse), and behind the ear (posterior auricular pulse).

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What should not be used to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own?

Your thumb has its own pulse so it shouldn't be used to take your pulse.