Veronika Mudra is 175 cm.
Varuna Mudra is a good yoga mudra which balances the water element in our body. It enhances one's physical beauty.
Jala mudra is a mudra in the practice of yoga where the thumb and the pinky finger touch. This can be achieved by sitting in any comfortable position.
Darrell Mudra was born on 1929-01-14.
Mudra Communications Limited was created in 1980.
Prithvi of Nepal died in 1911.
Prithvi of Nepal was born in 1875.
Prithvi Theatre was created in 1978.
Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad was created in 1991.
Where place of prithvi shikhar sammela
Prithvi Narayan Shah died in 1775.
Prithvi Singh Mehta died in 1996.