Prognosis refers to the likelihood of disease (e.g. treatment) outcome. Poor prognosis means that the likelihood that the outcome is unfavorable is high.
The prognosis is generally poor and the condition can persist chronically.
The prognosis for males diagnosed with Wiskott-Adrich syndrome is poor.
There really is no poor prognosis with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Even stage 4 has a 5 year survival rate of 65%.
Prognosis is poor
The prognosis for treatment during phase one is favorable. As the disease progresses undetected into phase two or three the prognosis for recovery is poor.
ya thrombocytosis a poor prgnostic factor
Locked-in syndrome has a very poor prognosis, although some individuals have lived as long as 18 years with the condition
The prognosis for patients with restrictive cardiomyopathy is poor. If the disease process causing the problem can be treated, the damage to the heart muscle may be stopped.
The prognosis for central retinal visual acuity is poor with only about one-third of patients recovering useful vision.
The prognosis for Refsum disease is highly variable. Without treatment, the prognosis is poor. In patients who are treated appropriately, many neurological symptoms and ichthyosis (scaly, dry skin) generally disappear.
In cases of SVCS caused by lung cancers, the prognosis is generally rather poor since SVCS does not generally occur until the later stages of these diseases.
Prognosis for childhood and neonatal ALD patients is poor because of the progressive myelin degeneration. Death usually occurs between one and ten years after onset of symptoms.