

What is phelgm?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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10y ago

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Phlegm refers to the mucus lining of bodily cavities, especially that of the respiratory system. Excessive phlegm is associated with colds and influenza and can cause coughing and respiratory distress.

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Q: What is phelgm?
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What is black phelgm?

black phelgm is usal for those who smoke.

What are 2 words for mucus?

Phelgm discharge

What word could be made out of the letters phelgm?


What color should phelgm be?

whatever color your feeling. maybe you should cough some up to see..thats the best way to do it.

What does it mean when you throw up big bubbles of Phelgm I am bulimic if that helps and yes I am trying to stop?

Throwing up large bubbles of phlegm likely means that there is some type of drainage going on in your body. It is a healthy choice to be trying to stop being bulimic.

Can a pill get aspirated into the lungs?

Yes, it happened to me yesterday. I felt it go into my right lung which was immediately painful. After about 20 mintues, the pill had dissolved enough that I was hacking up bits of pill-colored phelgm, took about an hour to get all of it out. All together a gross and painful experience I hope to never repeat.

Why do they call Fleur Delacour Phlegm in the Harry Potter series?

Ginny Weasley called her this in the 6th book while they where at the Burrow

How can you tell you have bacterial bronchitis?

Bacterial bronchitis is often characterized by a persistent cough with yellow or green mucus, fever, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, fatigue, and occasionally, wheezing. A healthcare provider will typically diagnose bacterial bronchitis based on symptoms, medical history, and possibly a sputum culture or other diagnostic tests. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacterial bronchitis.

What is poliomyelytis?

Poliomyelitis is a viral disease caused by the poliovirus that can affect the nerves and lead to partial or full paralysis. The virus enters the nose, mouth and multiplies in the throat and intestinal tract where it is absorbed and spread through the blood and lymph systems. It has an incubation period of 5-35 days but on average 7-14 days from being infected to developing the disease. Most people do not have any symptoms. The virus is spread in the following ways 1) Direct person to person contact 2) Contact with infected mucus or phelgm from the nose and mouth 3) Contact with infected faeces Symptoms fall into 3 categories 1) Subclinical 2)Nonparalytic 3) Paralytic

Is that different phlegm and sputum?

They are essentially the same. The terms are utilized reciprocally. Therapeutic experts tend to utilize the term, sputum while laypeople tend to utilize the word, mucus. Actually, mucus is the bodily fluid that is discharged in the respiratory framework, while sputum is that in addition to saliva. In medicinal services, we get sputum examples.In mobile (strolling) patients, we acquire this by requesting that a patient hack profoundly so we can catch some of what is hacked up in a sputum example compartment and send it to the lab for testing. A decent specimen is one which comes principally from the lungs and bigger aviation routes, and contains an insignificant measure of saliva.In patients who are too sick to hack this up, we utilize a suction catheter to get a specimen from their bigger aviation routes. Embeddings the catheter makes the individual hack, and we apply suction to pull back some portion of what is hacked up into an example compartment. We call this a sputum example too, as opposed to a phelgm example.

Is there a cure for the cough?

Time is the only cure for the cough. You can do a few things in the meantime while waiting for your throat to heal. First, you have to consider what the steps are that led you to having a cough. Some foreign particle, whether an allergen, bacterium or virus has entered your body either via the nose or mouth and has attached itself to the wall of your sinus cavity or throat. Second, your body goes through the self defense steps to fight the invader. Elevated temperature, over-production of phlegm to cover the particle and the cough to remove this excess phlegm. When all is done, this leaves the throat raw and devoid of this protective layer, so the cough continues. As the cough is a necessary step in the healing process, you don't have a lot of control over it except for taking an antihistamine to stem the flow of a runny nose. You can take cough syrup, throat lozenges or even hard candy (preferrably sugarless) to keep the throat coated until it heals. Warm cider drinks, teas and coffee also soothe an irritated throat. Keep in mind that a cold is contagious if the person has a phelgm productive cough.

Is there a cure for Cough?

Time is the only cure for the cough. You can do a few things in the meantime while waiting for your throat to heal. First, you have to consider what the steps are that led you to having a cough. Some foreign particle, whether an allergen, bacterium or virus has entered your body either via the nose or mouth and has attached itself to the wall of your sinus cavity or throat. Second, your body goes through the self defense steps to fight the invader. Elevated temperature, over-production of phlegm to cover the particle and the cough to remove this excess phlegm. When all is done, this leaves the throat raw and devoid of this protective layer, so the cough continues. As the cough is a necessary step in the healing process, you don't have a lot of control over it except for taking an antihistamine to stem the flow of a runny nose. You can take cough syrup, throat lozenges or even hard candy (preferrably sugarless) to keep the throat coated until it heals. Warm cider drinks, teas and coffee also soothe an irritated throat. Keep in mind that a cold is contagious if the person has a phelgm productive cough.