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Q: What is personal well being internal?
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Mrs. Chen faces internal conflicts such as feelings of guilt or self-doubt about her decisions, and external conflicts like societal pressures or challenges from family members. These conflicts can affect her personal well-being and relationships with others.

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When a personal exceeds the needs or desires of another persons interests for well there well being or care.

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What is considered harasment?

When a personal exceeds the needs or desires of another persons interests for well there well being or care.

What are some of the personal needs that you humans need?

Humans need a sense of belonging, love and connection with others, autonomy and independence, purpose and meaning in life, and physical well-being such as food, water, shelter, and sleep. Meeting these personal needs is essential for overall well-being and happiness.

What are the consequences of being apathetic or passive about public and personal life?

Being apathetic or passive about public and personal life can lead to missed opportunities for personal growth, social connections, and positive change in the community. It may result in feeling disconnected, unfulfilled, and powerless to make a difference. Additionally, it can hinder personal development and overall well-being.

What is personal analysis?

peronality spectrum indicates how you respond to both internal and external situations. In other words, how you react to information, thoughts, feeling, as well as people and events

Is the conflict of the goonies internal or external?

The conflict in "The Goonies" is primarily external, involving the group of kids trying to outsmart and escape the criminals chasing them. There is an element of internal conflict as well, as some characters deal with personal struggles and growth throughout the film.

What are some internal pressures?

Internal pressures can include stress, self-doubt, and perfectionism. These pressures often come from within oneself and can impact an individual's mental and emotional well-being. It is important to address and manage internal pressures to maintain a healthy mindset.

What does the Right to pursue happiness means?

Right to personal freedom Right to ensure the person's happiness and well being