

What is osteoporsis?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: What is osteoporsis?
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How can one get diagnosed with osteoporsis?

Ask your doctor for a bone density scan.

What is good to take for osteoporsis?

Calcium tablets and vitamin D tablets, eating bananas (potassium), and whatever else the doctor tells you to take.

Where do I find information about osteoporosis prevention?

The best place to get information on osteoporsis prevention is your doctor or chiropractor. You can also do a search online there are many websites dedicated to osteroporosis.

What is calmodulin?

it is one of the following, a calcium-binding protein a form of calcium used in fortifying soy products a drug that treats osteoporsis acalcium supplement with high bioavailibility

What effect can a reduction in bone mineral density have on the vertebral column?

People, particularly post menopausal women, suffer from compression fractures in the vertebral column as a result of osteoporsis (a reduction in bone mineral density).

Where can I find information on a homeopathic doctor who treats osteoporsis?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become porous and weaker. Calcarea carbonica is a homeopathic remedy used to treat osteoporosis in women. For more info view

what are the symptoms of osteoporsis?

Early stages of osteoporosis often do not have any accompanying symptoms. As the disease progresses one may have back and neck pain and tenderness and may have a hunch in their back. You also fracture bones easily so it is important not to fall if you have osteoporosis.

Is fizzy pop bad for you?

Fizzy pop or soda can be bad for you when consumed in excess due to its high sugar content and acidity, which can contribute to weight gain and tooth decay. Opting for water or unsweetened beverages is a healthier choice.

Your nine year old constantly wants to eat could there be something medically wrong?

There could be a medical problem. Consult a doctor/physician.Answerno there is nothing wrong it might be bcause there hungry and they didnt eat all day or they just need to eat ! AnswerYes there could be something medically wrong, yet children metabolism is automatically fast, which causes them to eat more. Also it may be in the child's mind (he/she things that they need to eat it before it's all gone). I would just make sure whatever my child is eatting in my presents, that he/she gets a good source of protein, good carbohaydrates (fruits (in place of sweets)/vegetables/whole grains etc), good fats (lean meats/white cheese/olive oil for cooking), peanuts, whole milk, for a child. This is for your child's bone density, because as bones grow more calcium is needed by age 10. By the time your child reaches adulthood bone density reaches it peak. This will help support the skeleton when they become adult. ( I wouldn't give my child nothing less at this age than 2% milk). (Prevent Osteoporsis).

Does high calcium intake prevent osteoporosis?

A high rich in calcium can help to prevent osteoporosis, but it will not always prevent it and cannot do so alone. Vitamin D is also necessary, because without it, we cannot properly absorb the calcium. Adults between the ages of 18 and 50 should get about 1000mg of calcium per day, while adults over 50 should get about 1200mg. However, calcium overdose can be dangerous as well, and you avoid consuming very high amounts of calcium. Usually up to 1500mg is recommended, and at 2500mg or higher, symptoms of overdose will begin.