Ophthalmology is the study of the eye. An optometrist is an eye doctor.
No such study/course exists. You may be thinking of OPHTHALMOLOGY (note the "H' after the 'P') or OPTOMETRY.
Anyone experiencing vision problems, eye pain, redness, sudden changes in vision, or other eye-related issues should see an ophthalmologist for evaluation and treatment. Additionally, individuals with a family history of eye diseases or those with chronic health conditions like diabetes should have regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist to monitor their eye health.
The Romans, though focused on conquering and war, did have many advancements. this includes concrete, creating advanced aqueducts, mechanical reaping, making mechanical cranes and operable treadwheels. They also devised unique military technology such as armour made of segmented plates, and ballisticas. In medicine, many of their techniques came from the Greeks, however Romans did develop new surgical tools and medicines. Some medicine included to help digestion, treat pneumonia, and some birth control as well.
"The story of the world, is the story of Rome." Said Napoleon Bonaparte. There are dozens if not hundreds of things the ancient Romans have contributed to the modern world. Latin as a language is the foundation for Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. They created the first true concrete. They perfected the arch and dome in architecture. The Circus Maximus and Colosseum are still copied for just about every stadium in the world. The words czar and kaiser are both derived from Caesar. Their quality of life would still be considered better then most modern 3rd world countries because of their advances in sanitation and aqueducts. They could be credited with the art of city planning. They built the same city in hundreds of different newly conquered territories. Roman roads changed how the world traveled and their basic design is still copied today. In the 4th century C.E. they made Christianity the official religion of the empire spreading it throughout the world. Some of their generals military tactics are still studied today at West Point and other academies. Just about anything in the modern western world could be traced back to ancient Rome.