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Its a form of carpal Tunnel

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Q: What is open wrist?
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Is a wrist watch an open or closed system?

A battery-operated wrist watch is a closed system. A wind-up wrist watch is an open system.

What kind of compound word is wrist watch?

Wrist watch is an open compound word.

How do you open the Roxy Jam watch?

i would like to know how to adjust it to fit my wrist..?

Why is it that when your wrist is cut you are die but if you cut your arm you are not die?

It's not like that. If you cut your wrist, OR your arm, anywhere deeply enough to open an artery, it is a life-or-death situation. But if you cut your wrist or arm not too deeply, it's a "cut" - you will recover from it.

How will you know your emo?

you will feel a strange urge to cut and slice yourself open. Especialy in the wrist.

How do you identify original wrist watches?

how to find out orginal wrist watch

What joints should also be splinted if it is an open fracture between the wrist and elbow?

In addition to the wrist and elbow, the joints that should also be splinted for an open fracture in that area would include the shoulder. This is to immobilize the entire arm and prevent any further injury or damage during transportation to medical care.

How do you wear watch?

A wrist-watch is strapped to the wrist - on the left wrist if right-handed, or right wrist if left-handed.

Can you write a sentence using the word wrist?

Examples of using the word "wrist".My wrist looks cool with this wrist band.My wrist ache's as i got hurt yesterday.

Are fingernails proximal to the wrist?

Yes, fingernails are distal to the wrist. The wrist is considered proximal to the fingernails.

What is the difference between wrist abduction and adduction movements?

Wrist abduction is when the wrist moves away from the body, while wrist adduction is when the wrist moves towards the body.

How does wrist strengtheners wrist supports and gloves help you play bowling?

While one might not think of it, the wrist plays a very important role in how comfortable the grip of the bowling ball feels. When you grip anything the muscles in the wrist work to help. After bowling two or three games in a league or open bowling, and placing your fingers in the bowling ball and gripping it 30-50 times, the wrist can become tired and fatigued. A strong wrist and/or supports/gloves can help the wrist withstand the wear and tear gripping a bowling ball does to it, along with making the bowler feel more comfortable while bowling. Click on the 'Bowling Wrist Support' link below to read an article about supports and see links to other articles concerning bowling.