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The skin is the largest organ of the body and covers the largest surface area. The upper layers, epidermis, are mostly made up of keratin. This protein is hard especially in the Stratum Corneum and prevents bacterial infections providing it is intact.

There is also a layer of sebum and sweat over the epidermis which is called the Acid Mantle. This Acid Mantle prevents bacteria from developing on the skin due to its acidity. Bacteria prefer to grow in a neutral pH.

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Q: What is one of the best defence's against bacteria infection?
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Which best describes transduction in bacteria?

Bacteria transfer DNA with a bacteriophage.

What are the common sources of infection?

Bacteria and viruses are the most common agents of infection. These are usually acquired by touching a contaminated surface or person. The best way to minimize risk of infection is to practice proper hand washing protocols.

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Necrotizing fasciitis

Is MRSA something you will have for the rest of your life?

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection can be very serious because the bacterium has the ability to adapt to most antibiotics. But, MRSA infection is treatable. After diagnosis process have finished, doctor will know what types of antibiotics are best to fight against MRSA. Answer on your question is No.

Is one of the best lines of defense against bacterial infection is washing your hands?

Yes ,Around the turn of the last century this simple act drastically reduced deaths of mothers in maternity hospitals. Unknown to doctors at the time bacteria on their hands infected the mothers and they died since bacteria were unknown and penicillin had not yet been discovered.

Will hydrogen peroxide help tooth infection?

Hydrogen peroxide can help to kill some bacteria in the mouth, but it is not a recommended treatment for a tooth infection. It's best to see a dentist for proper evaluation and treatment, which may include antibiotics or drainage of the infection.

What is the relationship of infection and immunity?

infection is when a certain area on the body is attacked by bacteria. immunity is when your body knows a certain virus, and knows the best ways to fight it. if you survive an infection, your body remembers whatever virus or bacteria that caused the infection. you become immune. with this knowledge, doctors give vaccinations, which are actually the weakened virus cells of sicknesses, so the body can easily fight them off when and if they catch the ailment outside of the hospital.

One of the best lines of defense against bacterial infection is washing your hands?

Yes it is a good line of defense.

Definition of culture and sensitivity tests?

A collection of a urine sample, blood sample or other body fluid samples are cultured in medium and analysed with for sensitivity. A "C&S" is a diagnostic lab procedure used to identify the type of bacteria and to determine which antibiotics can successfully fight an infection. C&S is primarily used to find bacteria. The absence of bacteria does not mean there is no infection, since it could be a virus that will not grow in a specific culture medium.

Illustrate and describe why you need to cover cuts and abrasions?

Covering cuts and abrasions is important to prevent infection. When a cut or abrasion is left uncovered, it is more susceptible to coming into contact with dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants that can lead to infection. Covering the wound with a clean dressing or bandage creates a barrier against these harmful elements, allowing the wound to heal properly and reducing the risk of infection.

Should hydrogen peroxide be used on a staph infection?

Hydrogen peroxide can be irritating to the skin and may not be effective in treating a staph infection. It is best to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include antibiotics.

What medications interact with amoxicillin and flagyl?

Together they act better. Amoxicillin is one of the best antibiotic for aerobic bacteria. Another drug is metronidazole. It act against most of the anaerobic bacteria.