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This oil is produced by wintergreen plant. It is methyl salicylate. It is used in many liniments for headache or muscle sprains. It has pain killing effect.

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Q: What is oil of wintergreen?
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Why methylsalicylate is called oil of wintergreen?

Methylsalicylate is called oil of wintergreen because it is primarily found in the wintergreen plant (Gaultheria procumbens). The compound gives off a characteristic aroma similar to that of wintergreen berries, hence the name.

Does wintergreen oil plump up your lips?

No wintergreen does not pump your lips it can damage your lips

Do peppermint lifesavers spark like the wintergreen ones?

no because only the wintergreen oil has the right electron number to spaark

What is wintergreen used for externally?

oil of wintergreen is widely used in liniments for the relief of muscular-skeletal pain, both from sports injuries and arthritis.

Can wintergreen cause side effects?

True oil of wintergreen, distilled from wintergreen leaves, is very rapidly absorbed by the skin and often causes severe skin irritation and painful, hive-like skin eruptions.

What is the difference between clear isopropyl alcohol and wintergreen isopropyl alcohol?

Clear isopropyl alcohol is pure isopropyl alcohol without any added scents or flavors. Wintergreen isopropyl alcohol contains wintergreen oil, which gives it a distinct wintergreen scent. The choice between the two would depend on whether you prefer a plain or scented solution for your needs.

Is oil of wintergreen an acid?

Yes, oil of wintergreen is an organic compound that contains a carboxylic acid functional group, making it an acidic substance. It is commonly used in products such as muscle rubs for its pain-relieving properties.

Can you eat wintergreen?

"(Wintergreen oil) is a potent toxin. Its pleasant odor and its use as an agent to flavor candies often causes its potential as a poison to be underestimated."

What is the chemical formula of wintergreen oil?

Wintergreen oil is a pale yellow or pinkish fluid liquid that is strongly aromatic with a sweet woody odor (components: methyl salicylate (approx. 98%), a-pinene, myrcene, delta-3-carene, limonene, 3,7-guaiadiene, delta-cadinene)Main component is nothing else than the main component in aspirin, 1 mL wintergreen oil is equivalent to six adult aspirin pills, so it is rather toxic.The formula of methyl salicylate (other names: methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate, salicylic acid methyl ester) is found by linking to 'Related links' below this answering page.

When was Wintergreen - book - created?

Wintergreen - book - was created in 1987.

Why does my cat love and lick olbas oil?

Your cat probably likes the oil because of the strong vapors in it. The ingredients in the oil include peppermint, eucalyptus, cajeput, wintergreen, juniper and clove.

Can you replant wintergreen boxwood trees?

Yes you can only if it is a wintergreen boxwood tree