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i believe it s a relationship that is just to make others jealous and has no meaning at all so if you r in one then call it quits

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Q: What is objective relationship?
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There is a relationship between the power of an objective lens and its field of view. As the power of the objective lens increases, the size of its field of view decreases

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A goal objective provides a vision of what a person wants to achieve. A policy may cause people to choose a goal that is easier to implement.

What is the relationship between decision variables and the objective function?

In optimization models, the formula for the objective function cell directly references decision variables cells. In complicated cases there may be intermediate calculations, and the logical relation between objective function and decision variables be indirect.

Does a descriptive study have a hypothesis?

It depends on the objective of the study,if the objective of the study is merely to describe the variables then writting of hypothesis not needed.If the the objective or purpose to find the association or relationship among the variables observed,hypothesis must be stated.Hypothesis are the main stay in research,which translates problem statement in to testable outcome.

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What do you understood by system design?

System is an organized relationship among functioning units and componentes.. A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent component link together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective... making.... Each componente is a part of the total system and has to do its share of work for the system to achieve intened goal,..... Basic implemention----A systen must be designd to achieve a predetermined objective... --->A inter-relationship and inter-dependence must exist among the components... ---->The objective of the organization has high priority than the objective of it's sub-system.....

How are standard costs established?

Standard costs are costs established through identifying an objective relationship between specified inputs and expected outputs.

What is an objective clause?

An objective clause is a clause which is like a learning objective but this is the objective for an clause

What is Grammatical forms such as the nominative objective and possessive?

Grammatical forms refer to variations of a word based on its function in a sentence. Nominative form is used for subjects, objective for objects, and possessive to show ownership or relationship. These forms help indicate the role of words within a sentence.

What is a predicate objective?

a predicate objective is a predicate that has an objective