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In kwashiorkor , high protein administartion particularly via IV causes nutritional recovery syndrome

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Q: What is nutritional recovery syndrome?
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What is the recovery period from Fisher's syndrome?

Once Fisher syndrome is identified, treatment can lead to recovery in as soon as two to four weeks after the symptoms are initially acquired.

What is the recovery rate for Guillain Barre Syndrome?

Most patients who have Guillain Barre Syndrome are completely recovered within a few months to a year. The recovery begins at different times, depending on which form of the syndrome the patient has.

What is the prognosis for Reye's syndrome?

The mortality rate for Reye's syndrome is between 30-50%. The likelihood of recovery is increased to 90% by early diagnosis and treatment.

What has the author Natasha Campbell-McBride written?

Natasha Campbell-McBride has written: 'Gut and psychology syndrome' -- subject(s): Diet therapy, Mental health, Mental illness, Nutritional aspects, Nutritional aspects of Mental health, Nutritional aspects of Mental illness

What is the prognosis of temporomandibular joint syndrome?

The prognosis for recovery of temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) is excellent for almost all patients because surgical procedures are almost always successful.

What determines if there is full recovery from carpal tunnel syndrome?

If muscle atrophy occurred because the condition went untreated for a significant period of time, full recovery is unlikely. If no permanent damage resulted, then full recovery would be expected.

Are there specific nutritional requirements for the invalid and the convalescent?

Nutritional requirements for the invalid and convalescent may vary depending on individual health conditions, but generally, these individuals may have increased protein needs to support healing and recovery. It's important to focus on nutrient-dense foods to promote healing and provide adequate energy for recovery. Consulting with a healthcare provider or a dietitian can help determine specific nutritional needs for each individual case.

What risk is involved in surgery to correct carpal tunnel syndrome?

Recovery from this type of surgery is usually quick and without complications.

Can you temporarily suffer from locked-in syndrome?

Yes, there are several cases in the medical literature where a person has locked in syndrome for a short while and then spontaneously recovers. Typically, if locked in syndrome occurred due to a vascular problem (eg stroke) you either make a dramatic recovery within the first two weeks, or you remain in locked in syndrome indefinitely. In contrast, if the cause was non-vascular (eg a head injury) you typically see more intermediate recovery months afterwards. Overall, the prognosis is better for non-vascular locked in syndrome.

How do nutritional and dietary approaches treat cancer?

Diet and nutrition can improve both a cancer patient's chances for recovery and quality of life during treatment.

What has the author Kathryn Reichert written?

Kathryn Reichert has written: 'Nutrition for recovery' -- subject(s): Diet therapy, Eating disorders, Nutritional Requirements

What is Lactobacillus plan-tarum 299v effective against?

It has been particularly valuable in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and recovery from surgery.