Novocaine is a local anesthetic often referred to as procaine. It is used on a wide variety of nerve blocks. It is most commonly used by dentists, when they are pulling out teeth. And it is also used in surgeries so that the patient will not feel any pain while being operated on.
Novocaine is the commercial name for procaine. It is a topical anesthetic that was first used in 1905 to reduce the pain of penicillin injections, and it was also used in dentistry.
Novocaine is a synthetic derivative of cocaine.
A novocaine rash could be a side effect of novocaine usage. Once the novocaine wears off, the rash may disappear. If not, contact your dentist or doctor.
Give Me Novocaine was created in 2004.
The Production Budget for Novocaine was $6,000,000.
Novocaine was released on 11/16/2001.
Yes. The term "Novocaine" is obsolete, because Novocaine is not used anymore. The more common terms used in dental anesthetics are: Lidocaine, xylocaine, articaine, septocaine, carbocaine, mepivocaine....
The duration of Novocaine - film - is 1.58 hours.
Novocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used by dentists. It is not typically included in standard urine drug tests. However, if specifically tested for, it may show up in a drug screen.
Novocaine - film - was created on 2001-09-08.
The Novocaine Mutiny was created on 1976-01-27.