

What is neuro-physiological?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Neurophysiology is a branch of the medical profession that studies both the brain and the nervous system. This specific branch of medicine focuses on the relationship between the brain and ones nervous system.

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Lyric Wintheiser

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13y ago

neu·ro·phys·i·ol·o·gy (nr-fz-l-j)n.The branch of physiology that deals with the functions of the nervous system.

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Is anxiety a psychotic illness?

yes, at the core all types of anxiety have an autonomic arousal component of the nervous system. There are overt physiologically-driven types that cause sweating, racing heartbeats, tingling at times in extremities, etc, but then there are more existential types of anxities, ruminations, and worries that also have a neurophysiological component but seem less overt in the 'showing" of somatic symptoms. Both types of anxities have a mental health center to them for they cause what we call a 'secondary anxiety response" that is more psychological yet powerful on the mind/brain----that is, causing worrying about the worry/anxiety. This is really the hardest part of management and linked ultimately to one's sense of success in treating it.

how to study well?

Are you interested in increasing your concentration level by 60% immediately? here is what studies in neuroscience have shown -Neuropsychological and neurophysiological benefits from white noise in children -Listening to White Noise Improved Verbal Working Memory in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder -Cognitive performance, creativity and stress levels of neurotypical young adults under different white noise levels White noise like rain sounds has scientifically proven benefits. Listening to it immediately improves your concentration during work and study and helps you to fall asleep. JOIN US IN YOUTUBE —> @FlowMindChannel to: Improve your productivity Enhance your memory Increase your creativity Reduce your stress

What is drug induced psychosis?

First Psychosis: Psychosis is functionally a break with reality, wherein the patient exhibits hallucinations and/or delusions. The patient's objective grasp of reality is distorted. While psychosis can be treated, it really can't be cured. Since psychology emerged as a science, folks have been arguing over whether psychosis was caused by neurophysiological issues (physical stuff and nature) or behavioral/cognitive issues (mind stuff, childhood and nurture). Since then, lots of progress has been made on both sides of this argument == there are empirical aspects of both. My guess is the reality of it is that both aspects factor into it. However, drug induced psychosis or stimulant psychosis isn't the same thing at all. The drugs that induce this form of psychosis are all stimulants, most commonly amphetimines and cocaine derrivatives. These drugs, among lots of other things, induce temporary episodes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and they surely mess up the sleep cycle something fierce. Combine OCD with a hugely erratic sleep cycle and a lot of neurochemistry that occurs with stimulants, and weird things can happen. One of these weird things is Stimulant Psychosis. While it manifests in ways that are similar to basic pshychosis, there are major differences in symptomology, etiology and -- most important -- the permanence of the pathology. In laymans terms, stay awake on stimulants long enough and you'll halluncinate, display paranoia, develop memory and personality disorders, and generally act like a psychotic. However, this condition almost always reverses when the patient comes off the stimulants and gets some rest (I say "almost" as it's hard to say what happens when a natural psychotic starts hitting stimmulants? -- But anyway)... Stimulant Psychoisis may present as an actual psychosis, but its treatment, mechanism and etiology are very different from actual psychosis.

What's the basic of a basic?

A widespread assumption in theories of emotion is that there exists a small set of basic emotions. From a biological perspective, this idea is manifested in the belief that there might be neurophysiological and anatomical substrates corresponding to the basic emotions. From a psychological perspective, basic emotions are often held to be the primitive building blocks of other, nonbasic emotions. The content of such claims is examined, and the results suggest that there is no coherent nontrivial notion of basic emotions as the elementary psychological primitives in terms of which other emotions can be explained. Thus, the view that there exist basic emotions out of which all other emotions are built, and in terms of which they can be explained, is questioned, raising the possibility that this position is an article of faith rather than an empirically or theoretically defensible basis for the conduct of emotion research. This suggests that perhaps the notion of basic emotions will not lead to significant progress in the field. An alternative approach to explaining the phenomena that appear to motivate the postulation of basic emotions is presented. One of the most ubiquitous notions in the emotion literature is that some emotions have a special status. These privileged emotions are usually called basic, primary, or fundamental emotions. For several contemporary theorists, the idea that there exists a small set of basic emotions is central to their theories (e.g., Izard, 1977; Oatley & Johnson-Laird, 1987; Plutchik, 1962, 1980; Tomkins, 1962, 1963, 1984). Yet, although they and many others share the view that some emotions are basic, there is little agreement about how many emotions are basic, which emotions are basic, and why they are basic. Table 1 summarizes the proposals of a representative set of emotion theorists who hold (or held) some sort of basic-emotion position. As the table shows, some emotion theorists have proposed as few as two basic emotions. For example, Mowrer (1960) proposed just pleasure and pain as the basic emotional states, the onset and offset of which are related to hope, fear, disappointment, and relief. Watson (1930) included only 1 of these, fear, in his 3 basic emotions of fear, love, and rage. More recently, Panksepp (1982) has proposed 4 basic emotions, expectancy, fear, rage, and panic; Kemper (1987) has proposed fear, anger, depression, and satisfaction; and Oatley and Johnson-Laird (1987) base their theory on the primacy of happiness, sadness, anxiety, anger, and disgust. At the other end of the scale, Frijda (1986) identified 18 basic emotions, including arrogance, humility, and indifference, as well as more commonplace examples, such as anger, fear, and sorrow; however, on other occasions (personal communication, September 8, 1986), he proposed only 6 basic emotions and in one article (Frijda, 1987) he Preparation of this article was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation, BNS 8318077 and BNS 8721853. We thank Gerald Clore, Nico Frijda, Jeffrey Gray, Phoebe Ellsworth, Philip Johnson-Laird, John Teasdale, and Fraser Watts for their helpful comments on drafts of this article. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Andrew Ortony, Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University, 1890 Maple Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201. seemed to argue for

How does cursive help kids in school?

In 2010, the Common Core Standards Initiative removed the requirement that cursive be taught in public elementary schools. It made sense given the rise in computer usage and a greater emphasis placed on keyboarding in the school curriculum. However, several states have since reinstated the cursive requirement, thanks to lobbyists and lawmakers who advocate for the importance of the skill. So yes, some schools do still teach cursive writing.