Sounds like someone trying to describe a vertebral disk herniating and squeezing a spinal nerve.
A nerve root impingement is what occurs when the root of a nerve i.e. the portion that enters the vertebral column via a vertebral foramen (hole in the spine) is pressed upon (impinged) by a number of possible things. The more common of these being osteophytes (degenerative bony changes in the spinal body). A space occupying lesion (tumor of some kind begning or malignant). Spinal muscle tissue becoming hypertonic (stuck in contraction) and causing a narrowing of the foraminal space as a result. Disc degeneration resulting in a narrowing of the foraminal space. Trauma can also result in nerve root compression. Degenerative vertebral disorders (such as spinal TB, ankylosing spondylitis etc) may also result in nerve root compression. Localised to the Cervical spine (neck) Thoracic outlet syndrome (can create nerve root impingement often resulting in parasthesia (abnormal sensation) and/or numbness in the arm and hand of the affect side (i.e left nerve root compression = left arm and hand issues). TOS is essentially the same as hypertonic changes in the muscles lower down however as it is such a common dysfunction it has its own name. Nerve root impingement can create neurological symptoms (pain, parasthesia, numbness or in motor nerves, loss of motor function). These symptoms tend to occur below the site of impingement however they can also present above the impingement i.e pain in your neck as a result of a T1 impingement.
Shoulder impingement typically does not directly cause ulnar nerve damage. However, if left untreated, shoulder impingement can lead to altered mechanics and postures which may put additional stress on the ulnar nerve over time, potentially leading to issues like ulnar nerve entrapment. It's important to address shoulder impingement early to prevent complications.
Sounds like someone trying to describe a vertebral disk herniating and squeezing a spinal nerve.
It could be cervical radiculopathy or impingement.
Spinal Stenosis is a degenerative process on the spinal cord. Narrowing of the spinal canal begins to the flattened the spinal cord resulting in root nerve compression.
Spinal nerve.....
The Greek root meaning nerve is "neur" or "neuro", which is commonly used in words related to the nervous system or nerve function.
Nerve root effacement refers to nerve root compression. This is an issue where the root of the nerve is compressed into the spine before exiting it, which can cause some painful back symptoms.
The root word meaning "nerve" is "neur-" from the Greek word "neuron" meaning sinew or nerve.
Neur- is the word root for neuritis, meaning inflammation of a nerve.
A nerve root diverticula is an abnormal outpouching of the spinal nerve root sleeve, which is the covering of the nerve roots as they exit the spinal cord. This can sometimes cause irritation or compression of the nerve root, leading to symptoms such as radiating pain or weakness. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, or in some cases, surgery to relieve the pressure on the nerve.
This is extremely variable, as it depends upon the degree of impingement of the spinal nerve root by a bulging or slipped disc (most commonly). Pain can be transient and brief, if the impingement is only temporary, or it can be lifelong and chronic in the case of the more severe conditions.