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warm water because it kill the bacterias.

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Q: What is more effective in cleaning your body warm or cold bath?
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Some people like to take warm baths while others prefer cold showers which type is more effective in cleaning our body?

warm water

Why is your body cold when you hair is wet?

your body is cold because the air around you is colder than the water in a shower or bath unless you are taking a hot bath.---------------------AND when water evaporates it absorbs heat, taking that heat away from you.

Does taking a hot bath get rid of a cold?

No. If your body is trying to mount a fever to help eliminate the pathogens responsible for the cold, taking a bath will make it easier to reach a higher temperature, for a little while... but then your body will just have to make up for the difference when you get out of the bath anyway. Baths are very relaxing, though, and anything that soothes your body and mind will help you deal with the stress of having a cold.

Why do we feel cold after a hot bath?

After a hot bath, your body temperature rises due to the warm water. When you step out of the bath into cooler air, your body may perceive this change in temperature as a drop, leading you to feel cold. This sensation is called thermal shock and can make you feel colder than you actually are.

Why do you feel cold after hot water bath?

The hot water on your skin opens your pores, and makes you sweat. The sweat evaporates, taking body heat away - making you feel cold. When your body is cold - you shiver.

Why do you feel cold after taking hot water bath?

After taking a hot water bath, the blood vessels near the skin dilate to release heat, causing the body's core temperature to drop temporarily. This can make you feel cold until your body temperature stabilizes and the blood vessels constrict to conserve heat.

Can you take cold bath after steam or sauna?

Yes you can. After taking a sauna or steam bath, you should cool your body down. Some like the feeling of a cold bath. It is great exercise for your skin and circulatory system. However, if you have high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, you should talk about this with your doctor first.

Can you give a cold bath to lower fever?

It is not recommended to take a cold bath to lower a fever, and it may even cause worse damage since it lowers the body temperature a lot. It is best to just take medicine if you really want to lower the fever.

How warm should a babies bath water be?

I would Say that it shouldn't be extremly hot but should just me mild warmishANSWERAs hot as is comfortable. the human body is well able to adapt.

How do you get cold fast?

Ice bath

How do you cure hyperthermia?

cold bath

What has more hot energy a cup of boiling hot coffee or a bath full of cold water?

a bath full of cold water