yes it is my dad has it but theydon't have a cure
This is just a fake disease. It originated from Wizards of Waverly Place. Mono orange osis is when you can't see, taste, or hear the color orange.
Methyl orange is typically available in two forms, mono-sodium salt and mono-ammonium salt. The mono-sodium salt form of methyl orange is more soluble in water compared to the mono-ammonium salt form.
last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.
Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast
No, if you have Mono you cannot fly.
one on one.
He/she is a monkey.
There is no frequency of mono. Mono is a one channel signal, stereo is a two channel signal.
Mono refers to one