Never heard that one, I have heard "The darker the berry, sweeter the juice", but I think maybe they are talking about how they can wrap their legs around you and hang on?
That would be my guess....
Size, prize, cries, dies, flies, lies, pies, shies, spies, ties, tries, highs, thighs buys, rise.buyscriesdriesdyesdieseyesfliesguysliespiesrisesighssizeskiestiesvise
I believe you meant "Nobel Prize" in Physics. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
I believe you meant "consolation prize." A consolation prize is a token or reward given to someone who has not won in a competition or contest in order to provide some comfort or satisfaction despite not being the winner.
The term 'recipients' means the person or thing that receives, such as in a letter or prize. For example, if you mail a letter to your friend, your friend is the recipient.
Competitive pressure is the pressure one feels when competing against someone else for a prize or to achieve a goal that is available only to the winner.
a nobel prize prize for a "no bell prize"
Pulverize, circumcise, eyes, lies, size, allies, baptize, arise, fries, dies, disguise, despise, cries, complies, goodbyes, guys, highs, implies, prize, relies, revise, rise, sighs, skies, wise, thighs, surprise, supplies, ties, and tries.
The prize you get in the Archibald prize is $50,000. WOW
Surprise, grand-prize, booby-prize.
The Turner Prize is called the The Turner Prize because it is named after the painter J.M.W.Turner.
The answer depends on the layout of the prize wheel.
Prize can be a noun or a verb "Trophy"?, they are given as a prize.