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An individual with a negative concept of health would define it as simply being free from pain or discomfort. It is the absence of illness or disease that would indicate being healthy for an individual with this concept. Having this view, you may do very little to maintain what you see as your healthy status, and see good health as normal, or take it for granted. People with this view would see the fact that they had not visited the doctor for years as an indication that they were healthy, and take the view that "there is nothing wrong with me; if there was, i'd know about it". An individual with this concept of health is unlikely to view themselves as ill if they are a bit run down or depressed or if they have a cold or a headache.

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Q: What is meant by negative view of health and well being?
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Definition of negative health?

Negative Health is a view that health is the absence of disease.

What is meant by positive view of health and well being?

Essentially, it means to look at one's health and well being in a positive way to get positive results. Taking pride in one's appearance, setting goals and priorities.

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Health. The overall state of a person. Being mental, physical, emotional. A psychologists job is to focus on the mental- emotional state of a person, but I am sure they view health the same as anyone else, which is the well being of a person and the state they are in

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If you meant ALIENS... Then yes or no depending on who's view it is. To another human being, people are not aliens. From the view of an extraterrestrial being from the universe we would be.

What is a positive view of health and well being?

a positive definition of health and well being is the achievement and maintenence of physical fitness and mental stability

The difference between negative and positive definitions of health?

positive-takes the health of the person on whole prospective, mind, body and soul. the state of a persons well being and health rather than just medical includes emotional too negative-takes the purely biomedical view on health where health=the absence of illness A Positive definition of health and well-being has to include the 'maintaining' of it. For example, Fern Britton could be viewed as an example of Positve health and well-being as although she is popular, has a loving family, and is obviously intelligent - she knew she needed to lose weight to improve her health and well being and did so successfully. So the 'maintenance' aspect of this definition is what makes it 'positive' otherwise it reads as a 'holistic' definition.

Describe the different concepts of health?

There are free concepts of health; these are holistic, positive and negative. A person can have one or more concept of health. A holistic health is the belief that being healthy means being without any physical disorders or diseases and being emotionally uncomfortable, people with this view are likely to label themselves as ill when they experience a wide range of unpleasant feelings, not just physical discomfort or pain. A positive concept of health is the belief that being healthy is a state achieved by continuous effort. People with this belief take active steps to maintain their health. They will take credit for continued absence from disease and blame themselves if they develop symptoms. A negative concept of health is the view that being healthy is the absence of illness- not having any symptoms of disease, pain or distress. People with this view are likely to believe that good health is normal and to take it for granted they are well. They assume that they do not need to take any actions to keep healthy. Unlikely to think of themselves as ill when they have minor discomfort caused by colds or headaches, or when they feel tired or depressed.

What is another way to say Promote the general welfare?

One view: U have to be cute! Another view: To ensure the health and well-being of the people.

What is meant by heal?

Holistic healing is a view of health care on the whole self( body,mind and spirit) and natural or spiritual cures.

What is meant by holistic healing?

Holistic healing is a view of health care on the whole self( body,mind and spirit) and natural or spiritual cures.

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