Credit limit is the largest amount of money a consumer can charge on a credit card. The amount equals the amount of credit extended to a consumer. Charges over this amount are usually allowed, but expect to pay an "over-the-limit" fee.
public are allowed to invest
The maximum gift amount allowed in 2015 was 14,000 per person.
Why should cellphones be allowed in school and in the classroom? I actually meant (facts).
yesUnless you meant nuns.Nuns are not allowed to marry because they devote themselves to God.
managing the amount
Allowed charges refer to the maximum amount that a health insurance plan will pay for a specific medical service or treatment. Providers who accept the insurance plan's allowed charges agree to accept that amount as payment in full. Any charges beyond the allowed amount may be the responsibility of the patient.
The maximum catch-up amount allowed for 401k contributions in 2016 was 6,000.
The maximum amount of time allowed by law for a refund to be processed is typically 30 days.