"Prathmik" is the Hindi word for first. So, prathmik help would be first help. For instance, "prathmik upachaar" means first aid ( prathmik = first and upachaar = aid or help).
Manjeet jakhar
Prasannvadan Desai has written: 'Prathmik swasthya ke samajik pehalu'
prathmik urdu shikshan sevaka cha jaga kewah bharnar purn maharashtra tlya urdu shalaancha nuksan kewah thambnar...?
The general meaning of the proverb is that when it comes to solving your own problems, you are the best person to do that. The French have a equivalent proverb: Help yourself and God will help you.
it is a launig
Help Seeker.
In order to help you with the meaning of something we need to know what you are referring to.
old Japanese name meaning help or ancient
They really dont "Help you" but they change and modify the meaning of words. Example: unforgiving; you use the prefix un- meaning not so it changes the words meaning.
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