

Best Answer

Well, young fellow. The participation of your relationship seems rainy. It is mean by not trying to work things out.

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Q: What is mean by leaving relationship?
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If you think a guy likes you and he looks back after you leaving does it mean he likes you?

Possibly. It all depends on the relationship you two have with each other.

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by leaving them alone.,,,

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You don't put up with it and get out of that relationship as soon as possible - if you are afraid of leaving tell your parents or someone you trust that is older.

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means leaving the work place.

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If by leaving things you mean leaving material things and objects, he probably is getting closer to you and wants to move in.

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When a guy says he regrets leaving, it means that he feels remorse or dissatisfaction for the decision he made to end the relationship or to leave a certain situation. He may realize that he made a mistake and wish he hadn't taken that action.

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What do you mean by leaving

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They probably still have some feelings for you, but they aren't sure of what or how strong they are. Or they like the feeling your presence but they don't want to be in a lover relationship. ......THEY STILL LIKE YOU FOOL! comeon, get together you two lovebirds! ur meant to be..................

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she hates you

What does leaving mean?

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How get along when the girl you love is leaving for another country?

I mean the girl might find another life outside of their relationship so it doesnt make any sense to continue the relationship if the girl/boy is moving out of the country. But if they really love each other then they will make the sacrifice...