It's usually 10 to 12 years.
A golden retriever's life expectancy is said to be 10-12 years. The length of time a dog lives however depends on how well it was taken care of and if they dog has come in contact with any diseases.
10-12 years old is the life expectancy.
No. A Golden Doodle is not a recognized breed with reputable purebred dog registries.
golden retriever and poodle
Someone can find pictures of Golden Doodle puppies on animal- or puppy-related websites or in books. Magazines such as Modern Dog or DogFancy may also have pictures of Golden Doodle puppies.
A golden doodle is a type of dog that is mixed with a golden retriever mixed with a poodle.
About 18 years depending on the dogs health. But if you want to learn more you can go to and research golden retrievers (on the website)Hope this answer helps!
What was life expectancy in