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Q: What is law of inheritance in Islam?
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Imam Muchlas has written: 'Waris mewaris dalam Islam' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Adat law), Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Inheritance and succession

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Akhmad Haries has written: 'Hukum kewarisan Islam' 'Hukum kewarisan Islam' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Inheritance and succession

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Sohail S. Hussaini has written: 'The laws of inheritance in islam' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law)

What has the author M Idris Ramulyo written?

M. Idris Ramulyo has written: 'Perbandingan pelaksanaan hukum kewarisan Islam dengan kewarisan menurut hukum perdata (BW)' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Inheritance and succession 'Asas-asas hukum Islam' -- subject(s): Islamic law 'Hukum perkawinan, hukum kewarisan, hukum acara peradilan agama dan zakat menurut hukum Islam' -- subject(s): Civil law, Islamic law 'Studi kasus pelaksanaan hukum kewarisan Islam dan praktek di pengadilan agama, pengadilan negeri' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Inheritance and succession

When law of inheritance was revealed?

The law of inheritance in Islam was revealed during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, through verses in the Quran. It outlines rules on how an individual's wealth and property should be distributed among heirs upon their death. The laws of inheritance are considered an important aspect of Islamic jurisprudence.

What has the author Rajkumar Sarvadhikari written?

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Abdul Rashid Haji Abdul Latif. has written: 'Wasiat dalam Islam' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Wills (Islamic law)

What has the author Moh Anwar written?

Moh Anwar has written: 'Faraidl (hukum waris dalam Islam) dan masalah-masalahnya' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law)

Mendel's finding that the inheritance of one trait had no effect on the inheritance of another became known as the?

Law of Independent Assortment.

What is the inheritance tax rate in Missouri?

Missouri does not have an Inheritance Tax. The law was repealed as of 1981

What is the sacred law of Islam?

The sacred law of Islam is the Shariah law which has been compiled with reference and guidance form the Holy Quran and Hadith

What has the author Saifuddin Arief written?

Saifuddin Arief has written: 'Notariat syariah dalam praktik' 'Praktik pembagian harta peninggalan berdasarkan hukum waris Islam' -- subject(s): Inheritance and succession (Islamic law)