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An anti-chafing cream.

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Q: What is lanocaine?
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Is lanocaine over the counter?

Yes, you can ask your pharmacist and they would show you where to fine it.

Can you use rubbing alcohol for razor bumps?

If you like to peel yourself off the ceiling from the pain. Use Lanocaine if it's sore and also Aveeno lotion will stop any itchiness and keep your skin smooth. I suggest you use a gel instead of foam and stay away from electric razors!!! Use a good razor that drug stores use with a blade and shave as your dad did.

Can oregano oil help itching skin?

There is no scientific proof of this, but Aveeno lotion is excellent for dry skin and particularly for diabetics who can suffer from bouts of itchy skin. Lanocaine is a topical anesthetic and will get rid of the itch immediately. Keep putting on that Aveeno lotion and for the very itchy areas try the Lanocaine. These products can be bought in the drug section of large grocery stores or a drug store.

What are single raised bumps that itch on the inner thigh and groin underneath the breast?

Hi, Last week under my left breast I have little red bumps that itch and appear to be spreading. I have used cortisone as well as benadryl cream. They seemed to stop spreading, but now they have returned. Do you know what it might be. lm Many women can get this under their breasts and it's usually because the air can't get to it (there is a fold there of course) and some women perspire heavily in this area. Every day and evening wash under your breasts and use "Aveeno Lotion" or for the next 3 days use Lanocaine (topical anesthetic) and then use Aveeno.

How do you remove fiberglass from skin?

AnswersDuct tape. The hair may go away too, so be warned. Take a piece of duct tape and place it on the skin and it will stick to the fiberglass fibers that are still above the skin. Remove the duct tape and the glass goes with it. If the fiberglass has worked its way below the skins surface, nothing can be done. Take a hot shower, not too hot as this will make your pores swell, you only want them to open. Then, take a piece of pantyhose and gently wipe your skin . This should help pull the glass out. A good rinsing after. Do not rub or scratch it . This will drive it further in . To prevent the fiberglass from getting you to begin with, buy some Invisible Glove it is a hand cream that will dry up and keep it from getting into your skin. It can be purchased at most auto paint supplies or at Ace Hardware Stores or search online.My husband has been a yacht builder for over 30 years and he's had to deal with this all that time. Take a good cup of Epsom Salts and add some boiling water to it. Then run a bath with WARM water, add the dissolved Epsom Salts in it and soak for 20 minutes to 1/2 hour (not bubble bath, just plain Epsom Salts.) Get up and shower after the bath. Towel off. My uncle would use epsom salts to draw out steel slivers from his hands when he worked for a steel mill. If you find you have a rash on your face or any part of your body that shows then use Lanocaine (topical ointment) and the red will fade.