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Either conceded or racist.

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Hermann Hilpert

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Q: What is it called when you think you your culture is better than others?
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What is it called when you think your culture is better then another?


What describes an attitude held by American business people that American culture is superior to all others?

Elitist describes the attitude that some Americans think their culture is better than others. This is merely an opinion held by few.

What describes an attitude held by some American business people that American culture is superior to all others?

Elitist describes the attitude that some Americans think their culture is better than others. This is merely an opinion held by few.

Why is Ethnocentrism bad?

The answer is when people think their culture is better then others, the other people who heard it might think that there own culture is bad and start to tell people that there culture is bad.

What do you call the people who thinks their culture is more superior compared to others?

People who think their culture is superior are usually called nationalists or regionalists. These people are usually xenophobic, unable to face anything or anyone that is different.

What is a culturally based intelligence test and what is a culture free intelligence test?

Different cultures think differently so will be better at certain tasks and not so good at others (on average). A culture free intelligence test makes an effort to neutralise this.

What is a culture where the women held the most power called?

I think that you are asking about a "Matriarchal Society" or culture.

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It depends most people think Selena is better, then others think miley is! In my opinion Selena is better! :)

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It is a matter of opinion. Some think M. Shadows is better, while others think that Synyster Gates is better.

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bacon is a american food but canada has there own bacon called canadian bacan which is way healthier and i think it tastes better than american bacon

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It allows bigots to think they are better than others.

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It's depends on your opinion. Some think rock is better than country, others think country is better than rock.