This condition is usually called nystagmus. If the eyes move all over the place uncontrollably, it's called opsoclonus.
I am not shaky.
Strabismus is a condition where the eyes are misaligned and do not look in the same direction at the same time, commonly known as "crossed eyes." Nystagmus, on the other hand, is a condition characterized by involuntary, repetitive, and uncontrolled eye movements that can result in reduced vision and depth perception.
That is a shaky argument. His legs were shaky after all that hiking.
its shaky shaky
did george Jones release a song called ain't nothing shaky but the leaves while at musicor
Shaky has a long vowel.
Get Shaky was created on 2008-10-25.
No. Shaky is an adjective. The adverb form is "shakily."
The duration of Shaky Ground is 1800.0 seconds.
A manatee's eyes are called "eyes."
Shaky Ground was created on 1992-12-27.
Shaky - album - was created on 1981-09-04.