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Q: What is is the external male organ for urination and reproduction?
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What is bybys?

It is male reproduction organ (penis) in Lithuanian

What is the male glandular organ of reproduction called?

The testes.

What is the male external reproductive organ?

The penis?

What is the organ reproduction for the male?

It's the penis (testes and scrotum)

Which organ carries out sexually and asexually reproduction?

male and female

What is the male organ for the reproduction?

It's the penis (testes and scrotum)

Who uses the urethra for reproductive system?

Male placental mammals use their urethra for both urination and reproduction.

What ia a genitalia?

It is the external sex organ on a (fe)male.

Which of the folliowing is not classified as an accessory organ of reproduction in the male?

The urethra is not classified as an accessory organ of reproduction in the male reproductive system. It serves as a passageway for both urine and semen, but does not directly contribute to the production or delivery of sperm.

What does exiolgy mean?

The study of the male external sexual organ known as the penis.

What is the biggest male organ?

The biggest male organ is the skin, which is the body's largest organ in terms of surface area. It serves as a protective barrier against the external environment and helps regulate body temperature.

What is the organ of reproduction in such flowering plants as the crocus and gladiolus?

In flowering plants like the crocus and gladiolus, the organ of reproduction is the flower. Within the flower, the male reproductive organ is the stamen, which produces pollen, and the female reproductive organ is the pistil, which contains the ovary where the seeds develop after fertilization.