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There is a difference between inter- and intrapersonal relationships. Since I'm not sure if you really mean inter instead, I will address both. Inter means between two different things (like an interstate highway goes between two different states). Intra means within (like an intrastate highway stays within the state. An interpersonal relationship is between different people (like between you and others). An intrapersonal relationship would be within you, like maybe between your body, soul and spirit, or between different parts of you.

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Who we are as individuals... existing or occurring within the individual mind.. its how we think.. what makes us respond how we do...

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Q: What is intra - personal relationship?
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Intra personal communication?

when you takingor making plan and thinking to ourself caqlled intra_personal communication.

What are the types of intra- personal communication?

Types of intrapersonal communication include self-reflection, self-talk, visualization, and emotional processing. These involve internal dialogue, thoughts, feelings, and mental imagery that occur within an individual's mind. It is a critical aspect of self-awareness and personal development.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intra personal communication?

Intra personal communication can be both a bad thing and a good thing. Some people do not have a filter, so their intrapersonal communication may come out when it shouldn't. However, it is a good thing because this is how people go through things in their own mind.

What is community relationship?

Inter means between two communes and intra would be between the people in the same commune. So in your case, the relationships would be between two seperate communes, it could be a business relation, working relation or personal relation between members.

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What is inter commune relationship?

Inter means between two communes and intra would be between the people in the same commune. So in your case, the relationships would be between two seperate communes, it could be a business relation, working relation or personal relation between members.

What is inter-communal relationship?

Inter means between two communes and intra would be between the people in the same commune. So in your case, the relationships would be between two seperate communes, it could be a business relation, working relation or personal relation between members.

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What are the qualities of a quality analyst?

business oriented,good process knowledge,good communication skills and good intra personal skills.

What is an informal relationship?

An information relationship is one where the boundaries between work and personal life are crossed. Basically, a relationship you have with someone on a personal level.

What is difference between intraspesific ang interspesific relationship?

The prefix "intra" means within, while the prefix "inter" means between.