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Q: What is in visine that can kill you if ingested?
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Does visine makes one pass out?

No, Visine is typically used to relieve redness and irritation in the eyes. It is not intended to be ingested and can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. If someone ingests Visine or experiences any adverse effects, they should seek medical attention immediately.

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Arsenic is a poison and will kill you if ingested

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Only if ingested

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if ingested it can

What did Hitler kill his wife with?

She ingested a poison killed cyanide.

Does visine make you go blind?

It all my years of using visine, I have never had a problem with it.

What happens if you use visine while your contacts are in?

Using Visine while wearing contacts can result in the solution becoming trapped between the lens and your eye. This can cause discomfort, blurry vision, and possibly damage to the contact lenses. It is recommended to remove your contacts before using Visine, and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting them.

How much is visine?

Visine cost are usually between 2.50 to 7.99 for the largest bottle.

Does visine make aquariums clear?

No, Visine is not recommended for use in aquariums to make them clear. It is designed for eye care in humans and may have harmful effects on aquatic life and water quality. It is best to use appropriate aquarium products to maintain clear water in your aquarium.

What is Visine in spanish?

Visine is a brand name so it's the same in any language.

How do you think a phagocyte works to kill pathogens?

phagocytes kill the ingested pathogen with oxidants and nitric oxide

Can drinking water and detergent kill you?

Yes, consuming a mixture of water and detergent can be extremely harmful and potentially fatal. Detergents contain chemicals that are not meant to be ingested, and can cause severe damage to internal organs if swallowed. If you or someone you know has ingested detergent, seek medical help immediately.