

Best Answer


"Through thorough researching of Cenegenics there is very little in the way of information for this program or the things that are needed in order for it to work. The process of healthy living would leave the reader to believe that this is a program that would focus on diet and exercise but there is actually very little information on the program and the adaptations that would be needed in the user's lifestyle to ensure that this works as a weight loss method."

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What is cenegenics?

It's an anti-aging formula.

How many Cenegenics Centers are there in the US?

Cenegenics Elite Health offer a personalised age management that will increase and maximise health for the elderly have many centres throughout the USA. Centres exist in Boston, New York, New Jersey, Plymouth, Washington DC, Dallas,Tulsa, Las Vegas, Beverley Hills and many more.

How do you get human growth hormone with out a prescription?

You never want to get human growth hormone without a legal prescription. That is unecessary, will likely cost you more, and could be harmful if it is coming from an unscrupolous source. The best thing to do is get your hormone levels checked by an anti aging doctor or an age management doctor. There are many, because it is not only hollywood and athletes that desire to look and feel their best. Obtaining a prescription for HGH is actually not that hard. However, in the United States anti aging clinics charge an enormous amount for the doctor's examination time, blood panels, and the like. One is better off seeking advice from a reputable anti aging physician and be prepared to pay for what you get. Medical Tourism is a growing industry and there is a clinic in Costa Rica named Anti Aging and Wellness Clinic. The Doc has been in anti-aging medicine for several years and is a member of The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Most of his patients are from obroad since most seek his hard work ethic and detailed approach. They prices are also going to run about 50% of what they are in the USA, so it is well worth a plane ride. THe clinic is at and is located in Escazu, a trendy suburb of San Jose, Costa Rica. Keep in mind - the place is legitimate. They will require a thorough physical exam, comprehensive blood panel, and must see the levels are low. They also treat to the proper levels, they don't want abusers, they want individuals who wish to be healthy and fit and that includes optimal levels. HGH is one hormone where more does not mean better. It is a process. Nevertheless, the cost is reasonable and the Doctor is trememdous. I myself starded anti-aging trreatment in the US, then changed to Costa Rica once i was confident in the therapy and recognized they prescribe the exact same medications in much the same way Cenegenics does in the US. Again - don't go without the proper supervision of a competent and trained Anti-Aging doctor. Ohhh, one thing i really liked is the Clinic has affiliations with physicians in the USA. They major benefit with that is your blood tests can be done in the USA first and sent to the doctor for a review prior to taking a decision to go. From the blood tests, the doctor can pretty much determine if hormone replacement therapy will be helpful and how much. Nevertheless, expect a thorough exam to make sure there are no underlying medicaly problems you may have that would suggest not receiving treatment, which is rare, but is why a phyical exam and consultation is necesary.