My mother told me it is a pouch of herbs worn around the neck and chewed on throught the day. Supposidly to cure health issues. Her mother called it an acifidity "tit". She said it smelled horrible, but was a well known home remedy as she was growing up in the 30's, and 40's.
rock n' rye whiskey, garlic, onion and acefed.
Just a bag. Can be a tour bag, stand bag or carry bag.
Bag bag bag bag bag
my choiceable bag travel bag. you can this bag buy here
a hessian bag is a bag that you can carry potatos in or you can use them as a shopping bag.
The Bag Is in The School!
There is a bag- you are referring to one bag, not the many peaches. If you said there are peaches in the bag, that would be different.
Depends on how big the bag is, and what is in the bag.
Bag, gag, hag, lag, nag.Stag, gag, rag, bag, nag, fag, hag, lag, tag.magsagsnagshagbragswagdragtag sag nag ragbagstaghagnagswagragwagtagzigzaglagsag1 syllable:bag, brag, drag, fag, gag, mag, rag, sag, shag, snag, stag, tag2 syllables:air bag, book bag, clutch bag, dog tag, dust bag, golf bag, ice bag, jet lag, kit bag, main drag, name tag, old bag, price tag, scum bag, sight gag, sweat bag, tea bag, time lag, tool bag, tote bag3 syllables:basic slag, body bag, burlap bag, ditty bag, doggie bag, doggy bag, duffel bag, evening bag, garment bag, paper bag, punching bag, rosin bag, royal stag, shopping bag, shoulder bag, sleeping bag, vacuum bag4 syllables:carrier bag, grocery bag, overnight bag, traveling bagbag, brag, drag, gag, hag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, shag, slag, snag, stag, tag, wag, zag, scalawagLag, tag, sag, bag, nag, snag, wag, zig-zag, stagRag, nag, bag, sag, blag, brag, wag, tag, lag.flag bag mag hag lag gag
'It IS a bag.' is in the present tense.It WAS a bag - past tenseIt WILL BE a bag - future tense.
Back pack? hand bag? Satchel Bag? Wedding Bags? Purse lingo? Laptop Bag? Duffle bag? Sling Bag? Tote?
bag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, stag, snag, tag, wag,2 syllables:air bag, black flag, blue flag, book bag, clutch bag, codag, code flag, dog tag, dust bag, golf bag, ice bag, jet lag, kit bag, main drag, montag, name tag, old bag, price tag, reflag, scum bag, sight gag, soft flag, sweat bag, sweet flag, tea bag, time lag, tool bag, tote bag, white flag3 syllables:basic slag, battle flag, body bag, braxton bragg, burlap bag, ditty bag, doggie bag, doggy bag, duffel bag, evening bag, garment bag, gladstone bag, myrtle flag, paper bag, pirate flag, punching bag, rosin bag, shopping bag, shoulder bag, signal flag, sleeping bag, union flag, vacuum bag, yellow flag4 syllables:carrier bag, grocery bag, national flag, overnight bag, southern blue flag, traveling bag5 syllables:confederate flag, knight of the square flag, yellow water flag6 syllables:coefficient of drag, nautical signal flagfrom: