The germs in the air go through the hair in your nose and get caught in it, when they go through your mouth the bacteria is heading into your lungs and drys out your mouth if you sleep breathing through your mouth.
Cats do not normally breathe out of the mouth, so the nose is very important for a feline to breathe. A broken nose can cause breathing problems in a cat.
the nose or mouth
nose and mouth
through your mouth or nose
You use your nose for smelling along with breathing. You also use your mouth for breathing but you only use your nose for smelling
Actually breathing in with your nose and out with your mouth is best while running, the nose acts as a natural filter for the air you breath in.
Mouth and nose
Yes, humans can inhale through their mouth. While the primary breathing route is through the nose, the mouth can also be used for breathing in situations where there is difficulty breathing through the nose or increased oxygen demand.
It is best to breathe in your nose and out your mouth, because the nose acts as a natural filter for the air.
help or aid you in breathing
The breathing system contains the lungs, trachea, pharynx, mouth and nose