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Q: What is good social health look like?
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good social health allows us to get along with others.

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How you think and feel affects the way you: behave look smell

How does a bad nutrition look like?

You look fat, ugly, and well, horrific.. keep a good health or you'll regret it.

How does social class affect your health?

Look at the people in hospital wards: health is certainly a social issue.

How do you show social health?

look at your area and see if its clean. If not your not socially healthy.

How can i find a good middle school social studies project idea?

Social studies is all around us at anytime. If you would like a good project idea look at your life and see how it matches up to what you are studying then check with your teacher.

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The effect daily exercise and good nutrition has on your mental health?

the effect that excersice and good nutrition has on your mental health is that when you eat good nutritional food you can think good like me at shadow hills high school when i am at school i have to be wide awake so i can learn what me teacher is saying. exercise effects your mental health because when you are in good shape you have good self esteem and you do not think about how you look. and that is why i think excersice and good nutrition effects your mental health.

Where can I find information on flight lessons?

Look in your local yellowpages for flight lessons. Another good place to look would be on social discounting sites, like Livingsocial. I hope that helps!

What has the author Helen Rose Potter written?

Helen Rose Potter has written: 'A brief look at health in New Mexico' -- subject- s -: Public health, Statistics 'Social and economic dimensions of health and illness behavior in New Mexico' -- subject- s -: Bibliography, Public health, Social medicine

How does smoking affects your social and emotional health?

Smoking affects your social health because people will look at you differently if you smoke, either good or bad. It affects your emotional health because you may feel good or bad depending upon how others look at you.

Do you have good health answers?

Yes, look round the site and you will find them.