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Q: What is good for fibroids?
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What types of fibroids are there?

Submucous fibroids are found in the uterine cavity; intramural fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus; and subserous fibroids are located on the outside of the uterus.

What kinds of uterine fibroids are there?

Fibroids are divided into different types, depending on the location. Submucous fibroids are found in the uterine cavity; intramural fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus; and subserous fibroids are located on the outside

What is a good diet for friboids?

Fibroids cannot be eliminated by diet alone, but a good diet for fibroids is easy. Hydrate: Drink lots of water. Eat whole grains. Eat high iron foods such as spinach and kale.

What is a good diet for fibroids?

You want a diet that help shrink fibroids. This means lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and lean protein. You can also eat olive oil and omega fats.

Can you get fibroIds while on the pill?

Yes, you can get fibroids while on the pill.

Fibroids on ovary?

Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus, not the ovary.

Uterine fibroids are considered malignant?

No, uterine fibroids are considered benign.

What are Fibroids?

Calcified fibroids are tumors that outgrow their own blood supple leading to degeneration.

Can natural herbs get rid of fibroids?

i would like to know if fibroids can be treated with massages.

Do fibroids affect pap smear results?

it is test about cancer made relation but no problem

What are calcified Fibroids?

Calcified fibroids are tumors that outgrow their own blood supple leading to degeneration.

Why do fibroids make you gain weight?

Fibroids grow in the uterus, and depending on the size, they can make the abdomen appear larger. Once the fibroids are removed, the stomach normally shrinks.