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Q: What is ginsing good for?
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Howdoyou get ginsing on Pokemon explorers of darkness?

mount mysterial

How do you quit your coffee addiction and feel happy?

Very slowly, taper and wean off and use vitamin B-12 , Taurine, and Ginsing along the way. Get adequate sleep.

What is a beverage starting with an g?

* gin * ginger ale * grenadine * Guiness (beer) * grape juice * grapefruit jucie * Gadorade * ginsing tea * goat's milk * green tea

What vegetable family does coriander belong to?

Kingdom : Plantae Division : Magnoliophytae Class : Magnolioseda Order : Apiales Ginsing / Carrot Family : Apiaceae Carrot Family Genus : Coriander coriandrum Species : Sativum Sativum The answer to this is Carrot Family.

Can vitamins be used to replace blood pressure medication?

Yes, there is a vitamin called Levodyn. It is composed of 19 different herbs like ginsing and garlic. It has been said that 65% of its users see their blood pressure drop within the first month of use. it has little to no side effects due to its natural ingredients. I strongly suggest talking to your doctor before dropping yur prescription medication.

Who is Georg Rotne?

Georg Rotne designed the Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden, worked for Ove Arup & Partners in London in the late Sixties and later designed bridges in Denmark, England, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The most successful is the Kylesku Bridge in Scotland. Since 1992 he has worked as an architect for the ASO Group (Ove Arup and Partners, SETEC, Ginsing and Madsen, ISC) on the ØresundBridge

What is good for the goose is good for the gander?

If its good for you, its good for me. What is good for one is good for another

What is good for children?

there are a lot of things that are good for children from good food to good excercise from good parents to good attention. good education to good living good environment to good friends. there are always good for children and that they can be benifited from it is also good.

are you good ?

Yes I am but my Brother keeps bothering me and my kidney hurts. when I am good, I am very very good, but when I am bad I am horrid

What letters can you add to the word GOOD to form a new word?

(Good) bye (Good) ness (Good) s (Good) y (Good) night (Good) ly (Good) will good-for-nothing good-natured good-looking good-hearted good-humored goody-goody

Correct useage of are not and is not?

Use "are not" when the subject is "you" or any plural. You are not good. We are not good. They are not good. Dogs are not good. John and Mary are not good. Use "is not" when the subject is singular, but is not "you" or "I." He is not good. She is not good. It is not good. John is not good. Mary is not good. Use "am not" when the subject is "I." I am not good.

What would be a good nickname for uor state and why?

what would be a good good good good nick name for the universe and why what would be a good good good good nick name for the universe and why